Shena Leverett Brown
DEIE Committee
Dr. Brown is an Assistant Professor in the historic Whitney M. Young, Jr. School of Social Work at Clark Atlanta University and also the Director of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Center for Excellence (CFE) in Behavioral Health (HBCU L.E.A.P.- Leadership in Education, Awareness, and Preparation). She has an extensive practice history in the metro Atlanta region with over 25 years of post-MSW behavioral health experience as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and nationally certified Master Addiction Counselor (MAC). Dr. Brown co-directed a pilot project and initiative of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Substance Use Disorder Leadership and Scholars (SUDEALS) Program which encouraged social work students to explore careers in substance use disorders. Her work with the SAMHSA-funded HBCU CFE addresses the growing behavioral health provider shortage and the need for a diverse and culturally responsive workforce. Additionally, she holds the National Association of Social Work (NASW) Georgia Chapter’s Certified Foundational Clinical Supervisor credential. Dr. Brown’s research agenda incorporates interdisciplinary inquiry and mixed methodological approaches to strengthen knowledge around race-based stress and intersectional disparities, particularly in behavioral health. She serves enthusiastically within her community and profession, including as Secretary on the Board of Directors for Odyssey Family Counseling Center, Inc. in College Park, GA. A rural Georgia native and social worker to the core, she earned her Ph.D. in Social Work and MSW from the University of Georgia, and her BSW from Clark Atlanta University.
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